It is interesting that it seems many who think digital can sound good generally will recognize that vinyl sounds good as well, but the reverse seems less common, at least in audiophile circles.
I think a lot has to do with initial frame of reference. Those who grew up with good quality analog only (like me) are more prone to find digital to not sound "right". I did not for many years, but have goten over that in recent years in conjunction with some system improvements/upgrades that better enabled me to get the best out of the new technology.
Those who grew up in the digital age mainly might find vinyl to be an alternate technology of interest. Some might even become a convert.
I suppose it has a lot to do with your initial frame of reference. There has always been lots of cases of good and bad recordings, digital or analog, so I'm not sure the format alone accounts for things.
IF you are used to bad digital and good analog comes along I can understand that.
Digital is more pervasive these days, so I think there is more to it than just sound quality when people go the other way, although for an "audiophile" sound quality is always a potential deal breaker.