Are You Happy?

On another currently running post a number of people have commented that the majority of their digital music collection is unlistenable. One person said 90% falls into this category. I don't get it! Have these people purposely assembled systems to make their favorite albums sound bad? Do they sit and audition equipment while thinking to themselves "hey, this is great, I won't be able to listen any of my Rolling Stones, but wow does it sound good." Why would someone do this to themselves?

As audiophile we are all a little crazy, but these people, IMHO, have gone one step beyond. Please help me to understand what's going on?
Otto, I hoped someone would pick up on the Bordeaux comparison. I haven't tasted the '61 Latour. The '82 Petrus is monumental. Also recently had '82 Margaux(pure silk) and '82 Cheval Blanc(massive in cabernet franc). I recently lost out on winebid on a '61 Latour a Pomerol, but I have a 1927 Chateau d'Yquem on the way. Maybe we should start a thread,"What wine do you like to enjoy while listening?" BTW, I highly recommend Dow's 1977 vintage Port - exquisite! Just to rub it in a bit, I am currently cellaring an entire '82 bordeaux 1st growth horizontal collection. Also including Cos,Ducru, and Pichon. Cheers!
No system, regardless of the cost, is really going to produce any long-term happiness. Perhaps the exception,
though, are those times of worship and praise where a good
system can seem to ignite a passion that otherwise might
be more difficult to appreciate.
Speaking of wine, My system sounds much better after a bottle of that MD 20-20. Sorry, I couldn't resist
(Also ducking and running for cover)