My last post was written before your last post got posted.
Scour the for sale sections of this and other audio websites and even eBay, and I think you should be able to find a Dennesen or a Dennesen copy for under $100, with some patience.
Truthfully, if we accept on faith that the P2S should be within +/-1mm of exactly correct (even better than that, according to some), I don't know how you will achieve the goal with calipers. If no Dennesen, you might consider taking a stiff sheet of paper or a very thin sheet of plastic. Then take a very accurate metric ruler and measure out the desired P2S. Then carefully punch a hole the size of your spindle, centered on one of the end marks. Then punch a much smaller hole centered on the other mark. You should do fine with that. No calipers needed, only a good metric ruler.
Scour the for sale sections of this and other audio websites and even eBay, and I think you should be able to find a Dennesen or a Dennesen copy for under $100, with some patience.
Truthfully, if we accept on faith that the P2S should be within +/-1mm of exactly correct (even better than that, according to some), I don't know how you will achieve the goal with calipers. If no Dennesen, you might consider taking a stiff sheet of paper or a very thin sheet of plastic. Then take a very accurate metric ruler and measure out the desired P2S. Then carefully punch a hole the size of your spindle, centered on one of the end marks. Then punch a much smaller hole centered on the other mark. You should do fine with that. No calipers needed, only a good metric ruler.