Kenwood L07D antiskating

Have just bought a descent Kenwood L07D. This deck will complete my Collection and I would be happy if I could make it spin again. There is some missing parts on the arm and i wonder if anyone have any data on the antiskaiting weight. I have to make a new and I would like to know the mass and what material was used in the weight.

Cheers from Sweden
The anti-skate weight is not a simple weight on a thread, as in most tonearms that use such an AS device; it has a weight on one end of a nylon thread, and on the other end is a cylinder with a hole on one end that has to engage a tiny post located in a recessed area that can be found on the inner aspect of the vertical tower. The cylinder sits on the post; the thread winds around the dual pulley you can see on your tonearm, and the weight at the other end hangs in the breeze. A good machinist can make one for you, but you need to know the parameters. You might start by finding the post or prong to which I am referring, on the tonearm body. Also, you can get a lot of help from the L07D manual, which includes info on the tonearm, and you might do a search on the L07J tonearm itself. It is popular to diss the tonearm, but I think it's really quite good, in the class with the better M-S tonearms that bring big bucks. The "problem" with the tonearm is the wiring scheme between cartridge and preamp. Bypassing that is easy.
This is a great table to have in anyone's collection and if yours is in good
operating condition the sonic potential of this table is enormous,
My Lo7d has a second arm the Fidelity research 64s with a Lyra Olympus
cartridge , my all time preference, however this combination is only
reserved when I want best enjoyment from music.
The original kenwood arm I think Lewm is correct about changing the wire
something I have not got around doing , I did use some mm cartridges in it
and the performance was ok. With what you have I would put my efforts
into a better arm,...
To further enhance your LO7D to another level I recently purchased
Symposium Roller blocks super ball 3s double stack them under the LO7D
The science behind these roller blocks is immediately realized, yes there is
enormous potential with your LO7D.
Dear In_shore, You are certainly entitled to do what you want, but I would never put Rollerblocks under any turntable. I don't want movement of the chassis in the horizontal plane.
Lewm and Stringreen
I know and I fully agree not wanting any movement what so ever ,further
I was highly sceptical and no way did I want anything to do with this at first.

With the platter spinning the table is moving,that was my first thought that it would jiggle ,not the case.
With a gentle touch a wobble is ever so slight queuing the arm of course ,once done the table settles very quickly and you really have to watch for any movement but it's there.
No doubt this was done before with bad results and I could easily understand some of the problems why.

If there were the slightest detriment in sound or risk with such an expensive cartridge I wouldn't do it .And finally What! an upgrade for $800.00
Kudos to Symposium