Remarkable New Vintage Audio Store in Austin, TX

While in town for SXSW I stumbled across an ad in the Austin Chronicle for The Sound Gallery, 4930 South Congress.

This photo on their website tells part of the story, but doesn't begin to do it justice.

It as if a stereo shop that was open from 1972 to 1986 was frozen in time and thawed out in 2014 intact. Hundreds of turntables, receivers, speakers, tape decks and more, all displayed as you would want them to be, each with an info sheet prepped by the staff. There's espresso and vinyl too. I saw several pieces of gear I owned in my teens and 20s. It was a wonderful time machine, but all the gear has been rehabbed and readied for sale. I haven't had that kid-in-a-candy store feeling in many many years. Worth a look if you love vintage gear. It's like a museum where you can buy the pieces.
I know where I am heading the next time I go to Austin. Thanks for the heads-up Butterking.
One of my students mentioned this place to me (I am teaching part-time at UT Austin). Thought I'd drop by for a visit after SXSW, since town is going to be a bit crowded these next few days.
Very, very cool. I live about an hour and a half away in Fredericksburg. Will definitely have to make that trip. Any idea if they buy/trade? I have some old classics that need a good home.
I wonder what kind of prices they have. Austin hipsters will pay an awful lot for something "cool."