in my experience a change of cartridge to a better one, brings greater rewards than a change of arms.This is not correct. I owned a high end store before digital and have owned, sold, set up a huge array of TT's and arms including Sota, Linn, Pink Triangle, Townsend, Goldmund, Roksan, Technics SP10's, Kenwood L07D's, Verdier, SME, Well Tempered, Garrard 301/401, Thorens 124/5/6 and many others. Arms including Linn Ittok/Ekos, Syrinx PU2/3, Zeta, Alphason Xenon/HRS, ET1/2, Well Tempered, SME 3009/3012/iV/V, Odyssey, Hadcock, Naim Aro, Dynavector 501/505, Goldmund T4/5, and many others.
Putting an expensive cartridge on an inexpensive arm is like putting Formula 1 or Indy racing tyres on a family sedan - the handling does not improve, in fact you will go round corners much slower because the car was never designed for these tyres.
Let me give you another example.
Assume I have a Rega RB301 with Exact MM cartridge.
If I put a Koetsu Black or Lyra Helikon on the Rega arm you will hear a significant difference. It may even track ok. An experienced ear will also hear fragility, lack of coherency due to the mismatch.
If I put the Rega Exact MM on a top of the line tonearm it will track better, and you will hear a more stable and coherent sound than the Koetsu/Lyra in the cheaper arm.
Another point to consider - MC's can put a lot of energy into the arm. If you put a low compliance MC into an inexpensive arm you are most likely to wear the arm bearings out in a short space of time.
Kiddman was absolutely correct when he said -
04-09-14: Kiddman
Without the right tonearm you will never realize the potential of your cartridge or turntable. Unless both are very subpar, get the great tonearm first.