High output MC

as follow up to my previous post, if i need to send my Supex901 HOMC to Soundsmith, which will take a while, i need recommendations for substitute HOMC MC carteidge, "modest price", to fill in for a few months.

all tube gear, listen to classical, female vocals and some Springsteen. vocals are most important. I hate digital "edge", sibilants or fatigue.

pre owned from Audiogon would be great, to get more value.
Great reco's here, my personal favorites are the Blackbird as John mentions and I am a big fan of anything Ortofon.
I'll second the 2M Red, grest cart period. I also have mounted on separate headshells, in addition to this Ortofon, an 2M Black, Shure V15 IV (with Ed Saunders microridge stylus, amazing), Grado Sonata, Stanton 881S (also with Saunders stylus), Stanton 500E (Saunders too) and Grado M+ mono. I run these on a used-but-great-shape Technics SL1200 mkII and it is amazing the different sonic envelopes afforded by these cartridges. An AT440 mla is on its way and that should round out the stable for now.

But whenever I go back the 2M Red, it still puts a smile on my face and it gets my feet a tappin'.

Also, I feel the Ortofon SH-4 headshells are the best out there for the money.