Here's a pic from AXPONA
Graham Elite
Here's a pic from AXPONA |
Just received my 9" Elite tonearm. Initial observations: No Elite tonearm specifications (one may assume all of its parameters including effective mass, length same as previous Phantom models perhaps?!), user manual is for B-44 still (same manual as my 7 year old B-44's), DIN pin configuration has changed from L shape to straight (I do not know if he changed that for II and Supreme) so my phono cable does not fit into Elite and I need to send the cable back to Transparent Cable to change the DIN head configuration, no paper protractor to locate the tonearm (I have Universal protractors so not a problem). In terms of labor quality, Elite even after its serious price tag does not seem to exceed my 7 year old B-44, even the interior pivot housing seems having slightly better labor for B-44 compared to Elite. And compared to my other tonearm Ikeda 407 in terms of labor quality and precision, both Grahams look like toys! I hope it will worth its price and waiting when I have the cable to use Elite. |
That's great news! I look forward to some feedback specially in comparisons to what individuals currently have. Christian when are you getting yours. I have had mine "not the actual latest production unit" since November of last year when Bob set-it up along with my AF-1. In conversation Bob mentioned the only changes would be cosmetic but I do look forward to the exchange and receive my current production unit but I'm in no rush so I'll step aside allowing all others to receive theirs because I know it has been a long wait. I have not done any comparison but to provide a bit of info I did own a Phantom II which was paired up with a TW AC-3 but then got a REED 12" which I greatly preferred. I also had a TW 10.5 and found there were differences, both sold both and kept the REED. I still had them when I purchased a TW BKnight table, gorgeous table and preferred such over my AC3, sold the AC3. I then purchased a Micro Seiki 5000 along with other accessories to get the most out of it, once completed preferred such over my BKnight so I eventually sold that table also. All along keeping the REED because it's just a great arm! So why am I providing this feedback? Well because once I got my AF-1 with Elite arm and paired it up with a A90 cart, got it dialed in this is by far the best my system has ever sounded. So what's contributing to this? Is it just the table? Not sure - Is it a combination with the Elite arm? Not sure, but what I can say is it has gotten me off the merry-go-round and I find myself just enjoying and listening. I'm still awaiting for my second rear armboard for the back slot so I can then mount my REED arm and cart, at that time I will be able to do a direct comparison. So I await to read comments back |