Wet cleaned the stylus of my Ortofon Cadenza for the first time. Purchased it new two years ago and never considered going beyond using a stylus brush. A friend recommended wet cleaning it and WOW, what a difference it made. If I wet-clean the stylus on a daily basis can I expect to get the same WOW same reaction. What about cleaning the stylus on hourly basis. How about between side A and B:) Any recommendations on an effective and safe stylus cleaner.
Magic Eraser comes in a cardboard box and it looks like a small white brick of styrofoam. Put the M.E. in a position where you can safely drop the tonearm and cartridge onto the M.E. in a vertical motion. Do not go side to side or you might damage the stylus, etc... Use the 'Original Magic Eraser' only and keep it dry at all times. Two or three drops should be sufficient. I'm not certain that I'm correct on this but what I've read is that wet cleaning your stylus could potentially loosen the adhesive that is holding the diamond. Anyhow, Original Magic Eraser is the real deal!
Yeah, I always find it interesting when manufacturers generate myths about their products in an effort to increase sales. A few years ago, BMW began including oil changes throughout the warranty period. Coincidentally, oil change intervals jumped to 12-15K miles. I'd hate to be the second owner of a BMW where the scheduled maintenance was followed. Hmmmn, what does that have to do with cleaning a stylus?
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