Wet Cleaning the Stylus

Wet cleaned the stylus of my Ortofon Cadenza for the first time. Purchased it new two years ago and never considered going beyond using a stylus brush. A friend recommended wet cleaning it and WOW, what a difference it made.
If I wet-clean the stylus on a daily basis can I expect to get the same WOW same reaction. What about cleaning the stylus on hourly basis. How about between side A and B:)
Any recommendations on an effective and safe stylus cleaner.
Nandric, R U serious? What kind of wet cleaning we're talking about? Do you really think that stylus is going to be dipped in cleaning solution?
a tiny bitsy drop applied to the tip of the stylus that dries out instantly... still donno what's wrong with that.
No one mentions LYRA SPT. I used it for years. There's something about it that actually made the records sound better vs ME to my ears. I recently switched to EMT from a Helikon and Delos and EMT recommends just a brush so that's what I do now.

Very good question, which Fjn04 addressed nicely. Others do the same or similar for just the reason you noted, including my ex (who first discovered/gleaned/invented this use for the ME).

DIYAudio folks prefer to use a penny. Audiogoners tend to use a quarter. Private audio club members use gold doubloons. It all works!

Steady fingers, caution and good closeup vision are required for the ME-on-a-toothpick method. I have those, but for any who don't, dipping into a (stabilized) chunk of ME cleans nearly as well... and better than dipping into little vats of goo, a blob of Silly Putty or dry brushing alone.


Nandric's cautionary post was reasonable, for the reason I explained in mine. No qualified chemist would opine that this is safe without knowing details of the chemical makeup of the cleaner, stylus glue and elastomers in the cartridge. IOW, you're just guessing.

You run an audio store. Do you recommend wet stylus cleaning to your customers? If so, do you at least warn them that this may void the warranty from some cartridge manufacturers? You owe them that information, regardless of your opinion as to its safety.
Dhcod- I also use an EMT, great cartridges BTW. I discontinued use of the Onzow, based on recommendation! So now 90% of the time I use a dry brush.
The other 10% of the time is either ME or wet brush. The latter with just one drop of Disc Doctor. When Cleaning my Dynavector, I use ME more often, and and still dry/wet brush. So yes, as Doug mentioned, do check with specific manufacturer.