Benz micro glider vs dynavector 20X2

Hi every one I have just listened to couple of suggestions of phono cartridges from 2 local dealers. I am wanting to got to a moving coil but can only afford high output phono cartridges. Don't need or have any money spent on upgrading my preamp phono stage. So do not want suggestions on phono stages or upgrades just the 2 cartridges.

I have been suggested 2 moving coil phono cartridges which are
the Dynavector 20X2 H and the Benz Micro Glider High output version.

My preamp is a cary slp-98p tube single ended triode preamp that can support up to as low as 1.4 millivotlts.

Just wondering which has a better build quality and whats the deferences other then sound. Which is a better value And has anyone had any problems with the Benz. And since I have heard benz has been having some problems with there servicing department. Would it be an issue in the future to have it replace the tip on it. compared to the dynavector?
I tried the Low output version of the 20X2. It was in my system for about 3 days before going up for sale. I did not find this to be a neutral cartridge and did not appreciate the dynavector "house sound" at all, I also found that it had trouble reproducing low level detail.

I have a friend that has a benz glider high output, and I can say that it is a phenomenal cartridge. Of course, my only comparison is across systems, but I can say that the Glider H was worlds better in just about every way. Maybe the dyna was more finicky, but no matter what I did I just could not get it to sound right.

Just my 2 cents...Vote for Glider.
Well I live in Canada so do not know about the U.S. dealers. My second question is would this out perform my turntable. My turntable is systemdek 2. Which is the round and higher end model with an Oracle Tone Arm.
If you want to know if this cartridge good match, than the answer is Yes.
You can even go for higher performance cartridge as well.
If you want to know if Glider will be upgrade to your current set-up, than what's your current cartridge?
IMO if the Glider is "warm",the 20x is coloured.
I don't agree that the 20x is "accurate" or more accurate than the glider,especially the last version with the MR tip.
I'd say the 20x is a very good "hi-fi" cartridge, the glider is a "music" cartridge.