New cartridge

I am going to California in August and I'll buy a new cartridge. My equipment is VPI 10.5i arm with Aries 3 and Audia Flight phono. My former cartridge is Miyajima Kansui but I was never satisfied.
Most of all I listen to classical music.
Since I live in Brazil, there are few opportunities to hear some cartridges and the prices here are opprobrious. I cannot miss the opportunity. Thinking about 6k.
My first option is the Lyra titan i (I want dynamics and details). Do you suggest another?
Please, I need help.
Thank you very much
Lyra and Benz and Koetsu are all players for classical in your range. I'd also think about listening to a Basis table with their vector 4 arm or even higher. I went Basis over VPI this month.I"m not in your league, but I felt Basis just gave me so much more in everything I wanted. Blown away for the price and I've always been a VPI guy in the past. The table itself means sooooo much. I have just been out listening to almost every combo you can think of from the AN 3 down. I heard the biggest differences in the table, cart then arm. Just me though. Good luck.
I would take a look at the Cardas Myrtle Heart cartridge for your system. It will set up easily in the arm, track perfectly, and since you are a classical music lover, it will certainly fit your taste. Another HUGE plus is that they are available for delivery - actually in stock! Enjoy!
Save money, look for a Lyra Helikon and do the premium Soundsmith retip, then you have a cartridge which is on par from sonics to everything else on market.
I agree with the Etna, but not XVS....The Dyna is too analytical (not musical enough) for me. I have a Benz LPS and love it.