Turntable consultation

Hello friends, and thank you for help.

I would like to have your opinion regarding improving the SQ of my turntable. Since I haven't listen to other brands except mine, which is Pro-Ject RPM 9.1 with class A cartridge and Tube Box phono, I know its very good turntable & arm, but is it class A ?

And if I upgrade the tonearm to a better one like 9cc Evo or other models will improve SQ very much and no need spend on higher level turntable ?

Or if I upgrade to higher level turntable like Signature 10, or other brands like VPI Classic 3 . How much improvement will be ?

My main goal is: resolution, musical, neutrality, and no coloration.

I'm trying to understand what best way and is it worth to spend more money.

Thank you
As far as turntables go, I would look for a used Basis with a Basis Vector tonearm. A.J. Conti of Basis said the Basis tonearm was a good match for the Shelter 901 and my experience was that it worked very well for me. The compliance of the Shelter 901 is the same as the 9000 according to vinyl engine. The 9000 is 1.9 grams heavier.

Make sure your cartridge and arm match up. Vinyl engine can help you with this information.
I would look a second hand Basis Turntable with a rewired Rega (Incognito wire) Arm ...
the table and especially cart would breath new life if you stepped up your phono pre into the next level of retail/build quality 2k+.

I'm sure the Project tube box is fine for it's price point and perhaps a bit higher. I had a 1k SS phono and did an all tube that was the game changer. The 2k+ SS and tubed rigs IMO will also support your next serious table upgrade also.

You may be satisfied with just the phono stage upgrade?
The Rogue Audio Ares with Blue Cinemag option around $2,300.00 pairs well with the Shelter 9000. Just another option.

For $6,000.00 you will have tons of options; Sota, Clearaudio, Well Tempered, Acoustic Signature, Townshend, Basis, Avid, just to name a few.

I'm a big fan of Rega, for that money you may want to audition the RP10 with a retail price of $5,995.00. Killer table/arm/dedicated PSU!

Good luck!
At $6K there are many options. I've seen many fine tables (and some not-so-fine) but I don't know any of them well enough to recommend them over others. $6K is about the price of my Teres table, but it's not made any more so I won't recommend you try to buy one. ;-)

Try to see and play with as many tables as you can. A vinyl rig is a personal, hands-on device, not plug 'n' play at all. At this price point it's important that YOU understand the table's design philosophy and feel comfortable with it.

Read manufacturer's descriptions, online reviews and owner comments... but take them all with a grain of salt. You're not reading to find out which one is the "best" (they all are, obviously!). You're reading to find a table you understand and can be happy living with.

Some will recommend their own table because it's their own table and they love it (else they'd replace it). That doesn't mean you would.