Kimber kable 8tc or 12tc warm?


i am searching for a warm speaker cable with rich mid and heavy wheight in bass and mid bass.

What do you think about the kimber tc?

Actually my system need to be warmed.

My system:

dynaudio contour s5.4 speaker
moon power amp
marantz ss preamp
moon dac
classé cd transport

all cable (ac and interconnect) are jps labs exept speaker cable are bis audio maestro(dry bass and neutral tone)

thank you
I love the Kimber 12TC use it in many of my systems as well as that of clients

Good Listening

driving Maggies I found the 8TC to be a bit light weight, nice tone but lacking fullness

that was just one system and not yours...

"a warm speaker cable with rich mid and heavy weight in bass and mid bass" -- 8TC is not that, and neither is 12TC. They're both very clean and neutral, though.

I think you would like Acoustic Zen Satori or Audience AU24.