DIY AC cable...which bulk cable?

I am thinking about making a DIY AC cable for my linear power supply (19v, 6amps) feeding my music server PC. From looking at the VH Audio site, there are several options for bulk wire, which would you choose and why?

12 AWG unshielded twisted pair (Chris Venhaus Flavor 2 cable) ($6/ft)
Acrolink 7N-P4030 10AWG ($61/ft)
Neotech NEP-3001 10 AWG ($35/ft)
Oyaide Tunami ($30/ft)

Thank you.
Tboooe - I can't comment on the cables you mention, but I tried something similar....

My setup is as follows

Imac(running Audirvana) --- DH Labs USB cable --- Schiit Bifrost Dac

I first tried a furutech power cable on the imac, which sounded better than the cable that came with it

The furutech was a little too thick and hefty, so I tried a 14 gauge power cable from home depot on the iMac with a quality IEC connector one end and the standard moulded mains connector on the other - much more manageable at the back of the iMac.

I found there was no difference in sound quality, probably because the demand on the supply is satisfied sufficiently by the home depot cable

Audirvana is setup to stream the actual audio file without modification

I stream up to 24/192 and the sound is exceptional with the cheaper cable

Also tried the same thing with my apple TV with the same results

Seems computers do benefit from a certain amount of power cable/supply "augmentation", but are maybe not quite as finicky as audio

Hope this helps
Thank you Williewonka. This is precisely why I want to make an AC cable versus buy some high priced one. I also have some nice Oyaide P4/C4 connectors I purchased years ago that I never used so I figure I would spend a few bucks and make a cable. I guess I will just buy the Acrolink as I have read its easier to work with.
I recently bought an Acrolink 7N with the Oyaide P-/C-004 connectors and find them to be quite neutral. With the Acrolink 7N what you're basically "hearing" is the connectors much more so than the power cable itself. I have the same P-/C-004 connectors on the Acrolink 6N cable and find it a little warmer sounding and not quite as good at disappearing.

One point to keep in mind regarding my comments, I'm using Oyaide's R-1 outlets so there may be some synergy going on with the connectors since they follow the same plating structure of palladium over platinum over beryllium copper.
Neotech and Furutech both make a number of bulk power cables so gets complicated as some are shielded, some are not. Also different purity of copper and size of conductors, etc, etc.
I've found that the larger the conductors the more difficult to build the cable so go only as large as you need. Maybe shielded for source components and larger, unshielded for amps.
I like the Neotech cables because they come wrapped in Techflex which is another cost with other brands mentioned.
I've built 2 Neotech NEP-3001 and 2 NEP-3002 (all shielded).
Thinking about building a Furutech FP-Alpha 3 (unshielded) for my amp soon.
Joe, I also have the R1 outlet though in my case I wil be plugging this cord into my PS Audio P3 ac regenerator.

Rja, would you suggest going the unshielded route for my linear power supply? I have heard that amps need unshielded power cords though I have no idea why.