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I was reading an article this morning about how people are choosing pop songs to be played at their funeral. There was a thread recently about what we'd like played at our own funeral. How about a clever ending for someone else?

The two mentioned in the article were

"Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go."


"Another One Bites The Dust"

Now I KNOW you guys can do better than THAT.

Come on. Show me what you've got in terms of creativity. And try to keep it lighthearted and non-gory. No "Love Lies Bleeding" by Elton John.
I'm trying to get my son to learn to play "Elegy" an instrumental track from Jethro Tull's Stormwatch LP. And "Be thou my vision" recorded by Amy Shreve. Not as amusing as some of the other posts but this is something I've already given a lot of thought.
Shenandoa- Tony Rice

Touch of Grey by the GD

Tubthumping-Chumbawamba "I get knocked down, but I get up again..."

Rocketman-Sir Elton