A New Superstar Power Cord

I am not wont to gush over audio components or cables. I have been involved in audiomania too long and have seen too many stars of today evaporate the next week. But I do have to gush about a PC I just bought new for full price -- the LessLoss DFPC Reference. I have no relationship whatsoever with LessLoss, other than having owned the original DFPC and then a few Sigs.

20 minutes out of the box, connected to my preamp, and I am very impressed -- and after some 40 years as an audiophile, I do not impress easily. More to follow after I experiment with different sources and longer burn-in, but there is an IMMEDIATELY audible sense of greater quietude, more natural and "present" voices, and greater, more organic instrumental detail. And the LessLoss Ref cord replaced one of the stars in the PC firmament, which lists for 2.5x the price. This could be a game changer. I thought the DFPC Signature was a great PC, but the Ref is an entirely new dimension. It is also a physically beautiful cord, and aesthetics count. Kudos to Louis Motek., the designer, who also is a perfect gentleman to deal with.

For $1,824, I feel a bit larcenous! I need to calm down.

A small update on my CH Acoustics X-20 demo. The system sounded a tad polite and bass shy when I was using one of the two demo X-20s between my Bel Canto transport and my BPT power conditioner. I decided to try plugging the CH X-20 directly from the Bel Canto into the wall, and the resulting sound is more open and extended. I am still not sure I will prefer the X-20 to the HiDiamond P4, but now it's a closer contest. I will say the X-20 is an extremely accurate sounding cord. I don't think it is going to add warmth or tone down a bright system.

I am still waiting for the Lessloss and Silent Source demos from the Cable Company. So I may have to make a purchase decision based on memory, since my 14-day trial of the X-20s ends early next week.
I am sure there are many PC's out there that will "crush" whatever other PC any of us have ay any given nanosecond, and we drive ourselves crazy enough with IC's, PC's, speaker cables, digicables, etc. All I know is the LL Ref now has 100 hrs on it and my system has never sounded more natural or more "alive." So I will stay with this lover for a while as we get to know each other better, although there may be greater beauties out there.

That said, I am interested in the High Fidelity PC's as I find the IC to be a game-changer, but they are not even remotely affordable new.

Neil, didn't you post a new thread about the HiDiamond P4 vs Valhalla recently? Did you had the chance to compare it to the LL Ref in any system? I am using some P4s in my main system in a mix with Valhallas with very good result. The HD P4 is not as fast as the Valhalla but trumps it in most domains.
Like the other 99.x% audiophiles, I can't contemplate about the HFC magnetic versions unless I swap everything for. e.g. a tubed and DSD native version of the Devialet Premier, fed by a battery driven Sony HAPZ1ES V2 with digital out.

I have not auditioned or compared the HD P4 to any other cable. I bought the LL Ref based on prior experience with LL cables and I am happier every day that I did. I am sure the P4 is excellent but there are only so many hours in the day.

The Valhalla PC is almost the equal of the LL Ref in the sense that they are both superior cords and I can (and have) lived happily with the Valhalla. But the Valhalla is not quite as "natural" sounding as the LL Ref and on my Main Rig, a little too "full bodied." Never thought I would say that about Valhalla, but true for the PC.

