Best interconnects & speaker cable? I don't get it

I don't know if there is a question here but I'm posting this to see if there is something I'm missing or overlooking in this observation. To the point, I've read many posts arguing the benefits of one or more conductors over others and I almost understand some discussions regarding, at least, comparisons of wire gauge for speakers. Maybe it relates to my less than well developed ability to discern subtlities in sound quality but I really can't hear much, if any, difference between interconnects or speaker cables.

As an example, I was recently experimenting with an amplifier selector (Niles DPS-1) which can accommodate a max of 14AWG speaker wire. In doing so I had to disconnect my existing cables which are "high end" 12 gauge per leg bi-wires. In making this comment I realize that just because my old wires are big and expensive does not necessarily mean they are the best match for my system or even any good. But...even though I think I am able to hear some small difference between them, to say that I think one is better than the other would be a stretch.

It seems to me that there are factors that would logically lend to the issue of quality, the primary of which would be conductor resistance and/or impedance. However, for transmission of line level signals, I can't see impedance as a significant factor.

All that being said, I believe that some listeners with acutely honed abilities can actually hear these differences and, in a way, I am somewhat glad that I don't; It makes wire choices much easier and way less expensive.

My current system consists of Shanling S-100 CD player, CALSigma 2 DAC, Rogue Audio Sphinx and Martin Logan Odyssey speakers with various interconnect and speaker wires.
Liz, what does the Cardas Parsec IC offer that the less expensive Kimber Cable Hero does not?? I know each system is different. I was surprised that KK offers such reasonably priced IC's

Broadstone and I own the same Rogue integrated amp which I have not yet reached a final opinion. However, ML Odyssey speakers may require a IC for his Shandling/DAC setup that offers a broad soundstage to offset the narrow sweetspot effect that ML speakers are notorious.

Speaker cables: Mapleshade internet store's "Double Helix" ; Clearday's Double silver shotgun; KK's 12TC; or Crimson Cable( only one model)Mapleshade and Crimson have established return policies. Also, consider Audio Art SC5E. AA "may" have a newer model. Check their site for details.. Lastly, Signal Cable and Dave's Cable are supposed to be very good and are quite reasonable in price
****The most important variables, IMO, are unknown and most likely

****"Evidence" is for trials, human heart and soul are for music.****

I wholeheartedly agree with those two comments. It is human nature to want "evidence"; as is difficulty accepting the unknowable. It is unfortunate how often the search for evidence causes one to shortchange the music.
They should come up with a dead horse punching bag for audiophiles. If room size is a problem, just the head will do. You can put it on an audiophile approved stand.

All the best,
03-04-14: Nonoise
They should come up with a dead horse punching bag for audiophiles.

Have no fear Nonoise, the same questions will be asked again next week, next month, next year. ;^)
To Nonoise and Grogan. Yes, I am sure the question will be asked again, and then again. HOWEVER, I have a box with about 15 pairs of IC dating back to 1988. They are NOT
as expensive or anointed as the IC's of other members; but, they are worth about $18.47, that is approx. what the Cable Company offered me for 7 of the 15 different pairs about 2 years ago. Now, they are probably worth about $9.00

As I have noted before, and reconfirmed it after today's online browsing. The Cable Co. or Used Cables are not going to have every brand loaner for the rituals of trial and error. Also, some cable brand dealers are not into either swapping with cash to upgrade, or offer a 30 day "piece of mind" return policy. Unless, you know the owner well, or are pledged to marry his 300lb daughter

My humble stash of IC's at their original retail is approx. $1400-$1600. Next Christmas, I intend to include one in every gift box . Candy gets the Synergistic Research, the girlfriend's lingerie medley wil be accompanied by the Audio Magic Spellcaster II ( very Freudian). Nordost's Red Dawn Flatwire goes to Santa Claus as a dress belt. A meter and a half should work well for him.