Best interconnects & speaker cable? I don't get it

I don't know if there is a question here but I'm posting this to see if there is something I'm missing or overlooking in this observation. To the point, I've read many posts arguing the benefits of one or more conductors over others and I almost understand some discussions regarding, at least, comparisons of wire gauge for speakers. Maybe it relates to my less than well developed ability to discern subtlities in sound quality but I really can't hear much, if any, difference between interconnects or speaker cables.

As an example, I was recently experimenting with an amplifier selector (Niles DPS-1) which can accommodate a max of 14AWG speaker wire. In doing so I had to disconnect my existing cables which are "high end" 12 gauge per leg bi-wires. In making this comment I realize that just because my old wires are big and expensive does not necessarily mean they are the best match for my system or even any good. But...even though I think I am able to hear some small difference between them, to say that I think one is better than the other would be a stretch.

It seems to me that there are factors that would logically lend to the issue of quality, the primary of which would be conductor resistance and/or impedance. However, for transmission of line level signals, I can't see impedance as a significant factor.

All that being said, I believe that some listeners with acutely honed abilities can actually hear these differences and, in a way, I am somewhat glad that I don't; It makes wire choices much easier and way less expensive.

My current system consists of Shanling S-100 CD player, CALSigma 2 DAC, Rogue Audio Sphinx and Martin Logan Odyssey speakers with various interconnect and speaker wires.
03-11-14: Isochronism
Aspestos Fruit Of The Loom undies on.

LOL! Help! That image is burning in my brain!!
@c Tubegrover, Hi, I apologize for offending you with my post, I relate to Broadstone very well, and understand what He is saying entirely, what I am saying is I was where He is now early in my audio years, Then, I got exsposed to what I thought was not possible in audio, what happened to me is what TbG said in his post, I also agree with TBG, I will not go back!, Broadstone is better off not listening to such systems and cables, He will keep all his money this way, He will not get the audio-nerversa disease that a few of us have!, cheers.
Audiolabyrinth, please don't think I'm unhappy with where I am. I don't want to get off the merry-go-round. I am still thrilled with realism and I have met some great people. I must also say that I don't understand people who have no passions. Year ago I had three passions-audio, racing catamarans, and seeing the world. I don't live near the ocean anymore and I've seen most of the world other than Antarctica.

Last night I discovered that some amps are enormously improved being on Star Sound Tech. Sistrum Apprentic platforms. Others are not.
Audiolabyrinth you didn't offend me in the least, neither did Jmcgrogan, there is no need for any apology whatsoever.

It seems the thread started off on the issue of Broadstone not being able to discern differences in cabling. The thread turned in a different direction as often happens when audiophiles discuss their experiences. My last comment was directed as much towards Broadstone's previous post not to you per se. I totally agree with you, I was ALSO where he is years back, didn't believe cables made a difference at all until that epiphany moment when it became quite clear that I was mistaken and greatly so. You are so right, at that point there is no turning back. Interestingly enough that moment arrived with Tara Lab ic's that a friend brought over for me to "hear". I reluctantly conceded and my journey into cabling and more serious audio began. Fine tuning an audio system to acquire a desired result is the REAL education. There are no shortcuts to the learning process. What I have learned is that it is best to leave preconceived ideas at the door and always trust the finest tool you have at your disposal, your ears, it accelerates the learning curve.