Lessloss Reference review?

A review on 6moons just came out and the latest, greatest revision by Lessloss got analyzed. What does the article really say? All I got is that 2K cord is better than a $1 cord? Is it just me but some of these reviews are pretty much useless?
It's not just you, reviews ARE worthless. Though I suppose they are not totally useless, they can provide some photos or specifications that may not be available otherwise. They are only worthless when it comes to wasting time reading and trying to decipher any honest sonic impressions. Reviews are more like infomercials.

This goes all the way back to the days of Julian Hirsch in Stereo Review "Of all the speakers that I have ever auditioned, these XYZ speakers are certainly one of them.". LOL! That's hard-hitting reporting right there!!
There is a nice review in Nomono a Danish publication 4 different power cords were reviewed Lessloss reference came off very well,although the cord that seemed to please the most was the new Ansuz entry cord
One valuable function of a review is that it can sometimes provide information that otherwise might be missing or difficult to locate. I recently needed an alternate phone number of a company whose product was reviewed at Stereophile. I ordered one of their products that I received shipping notice for but had not received it after over a week. Surprisingly, they provided no phone number. I dug up a number for them. The phone number I called for and left a v-mail msg they did not return my call. The company had no phone number listed at their website. No replys to emails either. I found a different phone number listed on Stereophile's review. This number lead to a response from the company and I received the product. Good product too, but poor customer contact.