Need "warm" interconnects advice

Hi, I need some advice on IC cables.
I'm looking for warmer, lusher, more romantic, "gold" type of sound - interconnects...
It seems to me my system is a little bit too detailed and precise. I'm preferring gold/silver or alloy cables, like Gabriel gold or Silnote.
Any advice would be appreciated :)
What is current system?

DNM Reson is one product worth considering perhaps towards your goal.
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What leads you to believe that getting new cables will fix your problem?

"I'm looking for warmer, lusher, more romantic, "gold" type of sound - interconnects...
It seems to me my system is a little bit too detailed and precise."

I think you're asking a bit too much here. If it were me, I would get rid of the component(s) that are the source of the problem. New cables, in your case, is a band-aid fix. Fix it right the first time and move on.