Need "warm" interconnects advice

Hi, I need some advice on IC cables.
I'm looking for warmer, lusher, more romantic, "gold" type of sound - interconnects...
It seems to me my system is a little bit too detailed and precise. I'm preferring gold/silver or alloy cables, like Gabriel gold or Silnote.
Any advice would be appreciated :)
What leads you to believe that getting new cables will fix your problem?

"I'm looking for warmer, lusher, more romantic, "gold" type of sound - interconnects...
It seems to me my system is a little bit too detailed and precise."

I think you're asking a bit too much here. If it were me, I would get rid of the component(s) that are the source of the problem. New cables, in your case, is a band-aid fix. Fix it right the first time and move on.
funny you mention GG as I recommend them

(if they come up for sale as they seemed to have cooled off quite a bit)
Thank you all for your help.

Mapman - Setup is :

Silverline Sinfonia speakers (heavily modified)
320/520 B XLS single-ended amps (for powering up from 80 Hz)
Rythmik-Audio 15" subs X 2,Rythmik-Audio bass amplifiers X 4
Quad CDP-2 (soon to be changed), Promitheus copper TVC.
GG Revelation (Quad -> TVC), Silnote Poseidon Signature (TVC -> 320B amps),Nordost Valhalla (double run) speaker cable.

SE tube amps are wired with silver/gold Mundorf wire.
Speed, clarity, transparency,details - it's amazing..

Zd542 - This is more a "personal preference" than a problem.
I agree with your logic, cables are not for fixing problems. What led me to this thinking, is the result I got with changing from copper ICs to GG wire few years ago.

I will change from Quad+TVC to Sabre custom-made DAC. Sabre is very strong on details, speed - which my system already has in spades.So I'm more concerned when that change happens, not to further speed up and "cold" the sound.
Also, speakers will be placed on Aurios Pro soon, which could also result in a similar change in sound.

What about Jade cables? Anyone had some experience with them?So far, I've heard only good things :)
why would you want to color your system with cables? I look to the least influence a cable provides.
I owned the Valhalla loudspeaker cable for over 12 years of time. When it came out it was for some years the reference in loudspeakercables. Based on speed and resolution.

But all tests with 100% Valhalla were all dissapointing. Because essential parts were missing for the absolute sound. These days there are more cables who surpass the quality easilly. Time and technique go on.

At the end all parts togheter of your set create the overwhole sound including your room.

We compared the Valhalla loudspeakercable wih the Cardas Golden reference in the past. Maybe it sounds warmer overwhole. I remember the faces of the people who owned the Golden Reference. The Valhalla had so much more details and separation. After this test they put there Golden Reference for sale.

Warmer sound with cables is possible, but you will loose in other parts.

I think you need to look for newer cables with newer techniques.

good luck testing.