Update: I went the route of a Headless Linux PC running as a 2 TB NAS. 2 gigs of Ram and it is connected to the LAN via ethernet. SQ Sever runs on the NAS and all decoding is done in the NAS and the SQ is sent PCM. I love this rig. It is a blast to use and it only took me 3 weeks to rip 1.5 K cds via DBPoweramp.
SQB Touch is also connected via hardwire and as a standalone player it does not embarrass itself. When compared to the Arye C 5Xe however it does sound flatter, with less depth and breadth of stage. It is also more closed in and lacking in tonal shading and dynamic contrasts. I am now on a DAC hunt and will have a Musical Fidelity M1 in house early next week to test. Also a Bel Canto e.dac 2.5 will make a run at the Ayre.
The SQB Touch mods look interesting but I am a bit leery of the process as I am nigh illiterate in the computer world these days.