What most important in the sound of your cables?

The most important thing in the sound of my cables are speed and clarity without being bright. I like a natural sound as well with a little bit of fullness. This thread is about telling others what you like and what cables give that to you.
Clarity (no smearing, no muffled sound) without adding any strange artifacts to the sound, along with maintaining correct timbre and tone.

I found all inexpensive ICs and SCs to not be as clear and open as I'd prefer. And all expensive (for me, up to $2k) ones to excel in one area (clarity, or floating soundstage, etc.), but falter in another (bloated, strange harmonics, unnatural timbre, etc.), to the point of my not being able to overlook the faults.

It was a nightmare process for me, but I finally did stumble upon ICs and SCs which satisfied my requirements.
The Tempo Electric silver speaker cables that I arrived up have bettered all others used. They give me speed, resolution, detail, fullness, weight and what seems to be a natural warmth as opposed to one that tends to dull the sound to achieve the same result. With these cables one can get practically all the above attributes without sacrificing any particular aspect.

The same goes for my Darwin Silver ICs. When properly executed and with enough time for things to settle in, one need not spend too much to get great results.

It's all in the sum of the parts. All parts.

Also, one must not forget to twiddle and tweak the speakers footings (spikes, cones, discs, wood and/or tile bases) as I've discovered just how much the base can add or detract to the sound, enhancing or detracting from what the cables bring to the table.

All the best,
I have a stock power cord on my ear.
I've heard of audio jewelry, but even this is a bit ridiculous. 8-)