What's the size of your listening room and/or ht?


Just curious to see how big a room (music and/or ht) some of your systems occupy. Mine is 15x20 ft used for both music and movies. Please feel free to mention if you feel this is the right amount of space or if you could use more. If you could use a bigger listening room what would you like to have (try to be realistic)? I for one could use more space...for bigger speakers of course:-) Feel free to describe anything else about your listening room that makes it so special!
My room is 15DX25WX8H, and it is fabulous. I got lucky.
When I ploted the graph recommended by Robert Harley in his book; it was obvious why, there are almost no reinforcements of any of the frequencies from 20-20K. Also since my speakers have the woofers far apart, they are quit immune to many of the room/bass problems.

Still, I would love a bigger room. But, I live in SanFrancisco with one of the highest real estate prices in the country; so I'm realistic and happy with what I can afford.

Unsound: I will when I finish the project. In fact I met with the architect today. I now have the basic boundaries of the room figured out, but do not have the exact measurments done. I have at least 2 more weeks of work (and probably longer--because I don't have enough time to do all the modelling and equations right now). My room is still not going to be perfect, because there are some constraints in terms of how it fits into the rest of the house, but it should work out very well. I expect when the project is complete (or at least the designs), I'll put it up on the rivesaudio website.
My room is 24'long and 14'wide. The ceiling is vaulted: 8' behind the speakers at one end, rising at 45degrees to 16', leveled off for 8', and sloping back down to the far end at 45degrees to 8' again. I use the entire room, with no divisions. It's almost like a mini-concert hall. I don't feel that it is too large, because I can fill it nicely with the sound from my 1 watt amplifier and single driver speakers. In fact, many times I need to turn it down a bit. I have used some acoustic treatments to good effect, but the room itself seems to have some good characteristics on its own. I have the speakers placed at one end, about 4' from the back wall, and about 4' from each side wall. This puts about 6' between the drivers. The equipment is between the speakers. My chair is about 9' from the wall behind me, and about 10' from the speakers. The chair is centered, and the speakers are toed-in so they are on-axis with the listening position. I have a room lens centered between the speakers, about a foot behind the diffraction plane. I have 2 room lenses positioned to the outsides of each speaker, angling outward at 45 degrees. There is another room lens directly centered behind the listening chair. 6 room lenses in all. I individually tuned each resonator in every room lens, for its position in the room, by ear. There are bass traps in the corners behind the speakers, and a drape between them on the rear wall. There is diffraction and reflection material on the wall behind the listening chair, but no traps. The floor is wood, with a 9x12 rug on the floor between the speakers and the chair, handling the 1st reflections from the floor. Absorptive panels are on the side walls in the 1st reflection zones. The vaulted ceiling is t&g pine wood. Overall, it is quite nice. I am not saying it can't be improved, but it is at least suitable for the time being. Since I am still working on finishing the interior of the house, things are changing, so I have to take all of that into account by listening to the system as I make changes to the house. No WAF to be concerned with. I'm as free as a bird.

My audio system (which is a small/medium sized solid-state system (I hear that tubes do sound better and more natural than solid-state does, but they're too much of a headache to maintain and upkeep, whereas with solid-state, all you have to do is plug it in, set it up correctly, hit a button or two, and you're off and listening)) is located in my living room, and the size of my living room is 14"(H) x 12"(W) x 16"(D). It is not to me, an ideal situation as far as a listening room is concerned. But for right now, it works, as I make as best of the situation as I can. But I can promise you, the first house that I move into, I am going to take the audio system into full account before I go to settlement and close on my first house, and I am going to furnish my listening/living room around my audio system instead of the other way around. An upgrade of the room and the acoustics that come with it (or that I make it into) will then permit me to potentially upgrade the speaker system (either getting a small speaker system like my KEF Reference 102s, but with more refinement, or getting a stand-mounted floor standing system with low stands) and the amplification as well (and I will be looking at either Bryston, or moving a little bit up the ladder, Krell or Levinson gear) while keeping my front-end sources intact (I am going to have some very good sources which I am getting right now, and once those are completed, I don't plan on making any more audio purchases no time soon afterwards).

My home theater system is located in my bedroom, and that measures 14"(H) x 12"(W) x 12"(D), and to this day, I am still trying to figure out how am I going to fit a six piece speaker package (for me, that is going to be four satelites, a center channel, and a subwoofer) into the same room that also houses my bed, a TV (which weighs 100 pounds all by itself) and stand (which has to hold the TV, a DVD Player, a VCR, and an A/V Receiver as well), armore (for clothing, not audio/video equipment), a nightstand, and a side bench. Maybe when I finally get my house, I may have a dedicated room to put my home theater in then, and that alone will give me a whole lot more room to work with. And as icing on the cake, I am single. So, I won't have a wife to protest and bicker with (MAN!!!!!! AM I A LUCKY DEVIL OR WHAT?!?!?!?!?). I do have a girlfriend, but she doesn't live with me. So she won't as have much of a say as to how I will set up my house when the time comes for me to get one. So in either since, I won't have any WAF (or in my case.... GAF) issues to wrestle with and worry about.

But like I said, at the moment, I do the best I can with what I can afford. Real Estate isn't cheap to begin with. And as I live in Washington, D. C., I live in a tight housing market right now, which means that housing is at a premium. But hey, whose complaining. At least, I do have a place to live, right???
