UP-OCC solid core copper for speaker cable

After reading about all these expensive cables and their extravagant claims, I decided to source the same wire that goes into many of them.

I have my monoblocs underneath and therefore close to the speakers. I ordered 8 feet of 14awg UP-OCC wire (with PTFE insulation) online. It is quite springy so I clamped it gently to the bench and cut it into 4 equal lengths. Assembling it into 2 x 24" speaker cables took a few minutes. I kept it running in the same direction, just in case. Be careful to gently slice the insulation and not to scar the copper.

Anyway, the improvement in sound quality was of a high order. Large increases in speed and transparency, more air, better definition of instruments, less coloration, backing voices I never noticed before etc. The improvement in musicality was impressive.

I urge folks to try this before spending lots of money on speaker cables. I don't bother with connectors as I feel they are another item in the way but that's your call. The wire was $6 a foot.

Available here:http://www.partsconnexion.com/wire_hookup_neotech_copper_teflon.html

See a photo of my cable here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6iot28p0weuwytn/up-occ.jpg?dl=0
Check out this small manufacture, they use the same materials as the "big" boys without the big price tag. They only use 6N and 7N OCC silver or copper conductors.


Those do look interesting, but certainly much more expensive than the Neotech option posted above. In my case, I am only looking for cables for the low frequency run to my speakers. I can't see how the Audio Sensibility cables would be much better than the Neotech for a low frequency run.

I assume you do not mean a sub woofer connection, but the low frequency connection on a bi-wire configuration. If so, the quality of the cable is equally as important as the high frequency. The low end contains 70%+ of the music.

Did you check out the DIY parts section of the Audio Sensibility website, they carry Neotech, Furutech and a few others at very attractive prices.
Another very interesting company is Zenwave.

Due to a move and needing a longer run than my normal Teresonic cables, I bought enough of the 12 gauge Neotech cables for four long runs. Sounds very open. Bass is not quite as good as the Teresonic, and highs are not near as high, but a very nice cable.( actually a good thing, no brightness). No copper sound to the cables.

Very much considering the cables above.