Norah Jones

I'm watching a live show on PBS right now and I have to ask myself, how does this girl write so much amazing music? I watched one of her live shows last year and was absolutely floored by her performance but most of all the sheer beauty of her music. Any fans out there? She truly flies under the radar considering her high level of talent as a songwriter and musician.
"My tastes are simple. I am easily satisfied with the best" - Winston Churchill
"This world is not too small for a few bests" - Me
Everyone should just be THIER best. No contest
You need an elementary course in the English language and the meaning of words. And here we go, mate:


adjective: good; comparative adjective: better; superlative adjective: best

to be desired or approved of.
"we live at peace with each other, which is good"
synonyms: healthy, fine, sound, tip-top, hale and hearty, fit, robust, sturdy, strong, vigorous


noun: enemy; plural noun: enemies

a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something.
synonyms: opponent, adversary, foe, archenemy, rival, antagonist, combatant, challenger, competitor, opposer;
the opposition, the competition, the other side, the opposing side
"he and his brother have been enemies for years"

"Best" is superlative of "good" and therefore could not possibly be construed as opposite or competitor. Case closed.
Tostados, perhaps you understand the words, but miss the meaning, of Shubert's quote. It means, "settling for second best." The phrase is usually trotted out in the context of aspirations to achieve greatness.