The Worst Performance Ever - Really

I always think of the late 60's and early 70's as the high point for rock and roll, but this is absolutely the worst thing I have ever seen in my life. Try to watch it all the way through, as it's so bad that it actually becomes good. That's not easy. Most bad things are just bad, but this is exceptionally bad, which is not as easy as you think. Enjoy.
And to think as a teenager my buddies and I would sit and listen to Lord Sutch & Heavy Friends while doing things teens did during that period in time. I liked it at the time, but not one tune is memorable. I do remember the album cover with the Union Jack painted on the Rolls.
Not only is it lame but it's a total ripoff of Screaming Jay Hawkins (remember "I Put a Spell on You?") who used to use a coffin prop on stage. Lord Suck even stole the "Screaming" name. What a loser--he's certainly no Arthur Brown, who could sing and had an interesting visual act (as well as good musicians in his band).
could not get through it. don't think anyone really like Sutch at the time, I didn't know anyone who did. Notice that no one in the audience is dancing or doing anything except waiting for it to be over.

agree about the lame Who superbowl show. Except for McCartney, all the recent ones have been disappointing.
Well, it made those pigeons scramble for sure....never a good sign.

Guess that's one good reason I never heard of those guys.

But really, no time or era has ever had a monopoly on things deemed good or bad either at the time or currently. It's always a mixed bag. Some things are really really good, and others....

I'll see if I can find something even worse....