What's In Your Tape Cassette Deck Tonight?

With cassette tape making a HUGE comeback in todays ultra-lame-digital-world - what's in your cassette decks these days?

Today, cassette tapes that are cool again are:

O​.​L​.​V. - Old Light Variations by Old Light
Problems by Wooden Indian Burial Ground

Rock on curlycassettes.com! So easily you make us smile
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Cassettes have never been out of rotation in my home. I own about two thousand cassettes and play them on two Nakamichis through Stax headphones. I listen to a lot of acoustic, singer-songwriter stuff. Right now I'm listening to Gordon Lightfoot. Sounds great to me!
I spent may an hour lovingly copying entire albums and making mixed tapes (yesterdays version of a playlist). I gave them as gifts but mostly I made them to be listened to in the car. They're in boxes in the garage. Time to donate them but I wonder if anyone would care enough to listen. The only reason why I still have them is for the sentimental value they hold.