Help with compression and dynamic range

I'm 51. After a 15 year period of dealing with mortgage payments and childcare needs, I'm trying to get back into higher-end audio quality - especially when it comes to dynamic range in concert DVDs. I've recently spent countless hours trying to research CDs, MP3s and compression issues - with no resolve.

How can I tell which concert DVDs offer wider dynamic ranges? Or, for that matter,CDs? Is there a rating on the covers? I'm willing to do my homework if anyone can give me a reference. I've just read "Get Better Sound" by Jim Smith with no resolve.

Also, I'm looking to purchase a DVD player which will maximize sound quality when I can determine which DVDs and CDs are recorded with minimum compression and wider dynamic range. Can anyone explain what to look for when purchasing a higher-end DVD player. I've seen ratings for DACs, but am unsure what they mean.

ANY help is appreciated.
IMHO, you'll want a Bluray player for video and audio discs (Oppo is a popular choice). At that point you'll buy the discs of your favorite artists and that's what you will be stuck with. Some will be good and some wont. You wont know until you get them home and play them on your system. You'll find that the sound quality of a video is just one part of the video experience and that the video production, camera work and performance are just as important for a rewarding viewer experience. Dynamic range will be far down the list of important criteria.
Can anyone explain WHY they would compress a recording ?
What is the purpose ?
I find it extremely aggravating and the ruination of good music !
I hear it not only on digital music but analog (LP) as well .

Happy Tunes
One valid reason to compress a recording is so they can be heard better over background noise. Only audiophile types lock themselves in quiet rooms when listening to music.
Synthfreek ;
Do you believe that cutting off the highs and lows makes the music sound better , on your equipment , than recordings that don't reduce these extremes ?
Just curious .

Happy Tunes