music with clear placement of the instruments.

I love recordings of the 50'and 60'. One reason being that they had a very clear placement of the instruments in the stereo field.
That is quiet hard to find nowadays even with audiophile productions.

Sound Liaison with their hi-res downloads are very good in that respect, very clear and defined sound stage.
Reference Recordings same kind of quality and placement,
but with my other favorites, ECM, Blue Coast, Linn, to name a few, it is a bit of hit and miss.
Here is a you tube link with an example of the type of placement I prefer;
or this one which is a bit more extreme;

Suggestions please. (if possible with a link to homepage or youtube example.
Thank you all for the responses, I think you all pretty much answered Viridian's question for me.
I like to "see" the instruments in front of me when listening.
Take this one for example, master trumpet player Andre Heuvelman's gorgeous rendition of "Oblivion";

on the website for the album download, if you scroll down, there is couple of photos from the session where one can see the musicians placed in a half circle around the microphones, and that is also more or less what one hears when listening. Here is a link to liner notes;
from the "After Silence" liner notes;
After Silence was recorded with the musicians playing together in the same room, without headphones.The reason being that in our opinion that creates a number of musical and technical benefits....... The musicians interact much more as they would do in a concert situation...and as they are not ''separated'' by headphones the musicians are forced to create a musical balance...the need for compression to control levels is no longer necessary...we can use a minimalist microphone setup and there by reduce phase problems...since everybody is in the same room, the boxed sound which is so common in many modern recordings is absent...the sound of the room helps ''glue'' the sound of the recording. That sounds like an easy solution but bear in mind that in order for this to work:e studio has to have a good sound.....the musicians have to be very good and well prepared as it is very difficult to repair mistakes because of the ''cross talk'' between the instruments....we have to be very precise when choosing and placing the microphones...and the puzzle of placing the musicians at the right distance to the main stereo microphone pair and at the right distance to each other is very time consuming.
My answer to Viridian's question: No. I hear all the instruments overlapping to form a cohesive whole.
I'll add to Czariveys post. In a good concert hall and on a good recording you can certainly hear and visualize that the string section forms a semicircle in front and that the woodwinds are centered behind them. You can distantly hear each section but not any one instrument. (Unless it's a solo).
At home I can visualize the orchestra.
More modern CD labels that tend to record simply for clear and accurate placement of instruments are Dorian and Mapleshade.

I second Low's assessment. Sometimes, under ideal circumstances at home, the bar can be pushed further to where more individual instruments in an orchestra or individual voices in a chorus can be triangulated upon and located.