What audio components are heirloom quality?

I am trying to think 20 years ahead but have a sincere desire to put an audio system together with the intention of one day passing it on to my child. What do you consider to be heirloom quality? What is the audio version of the 67 Shelby GT500 that will help keep the next generation engaged in the hobby and nostalgic? Speakers?Amps? What would you want to pass on to your child 20 years from now?

I hope so in that I do not anticipate taking my audio toys with me...

Will there be any Clever Clocks there, I wonder??? :^)
Maybe "what will audiophile heaven be like" could be an interesting thread.

Also its companion thread about the other place....
"Everyone is trying to get to the bar
The name of the bar, the bar is called heaven
The band in heaven, they play my favourite song
Play it one more time, play it all night long
Heaven, heaven is a place, a place where nothing, nothing ever happens
Heaven, heaven is a place, a place where nothing, nothing ever happens
There is a party, everyone is there
Everyone will leave at exactly the same time
When this party's over, it will start again
It will not be any different, it will be exactly the same
Heaven, heaven is a place, a place where nothing, nothing ever happens
When this kiss is over it will start again
It will not be any different, it will be exactly the same
It's hard to imagine that nothing at all could be so exciting, could be this much fun
Heaven, heaven is a place, a place where nothing, nothing ever happens
Heaven, heaven is a place, a place where nothing, nothing ever happens"
Simply Red, I believe. Suspect the actual place will be a lot better than his lyrics describe.