What audio components are heirloom quality?

I am trying to think 20 years ahead but have a sincere desire to put an audio system together with the intention of one day passing it on to my child. What do you consider to be heirloom quality? What is the audio version of the 67 Shelby GT500 that will help keep the next generation engaged in the hobby and nostalgic? Speakers?Amps? What would you want to pass on to your child 20 years from now?
Is there a more maligned instrument than the accordion, Frogman? Do like the way David Hidalgo plays it, however. But we stray far from the OPs nobel quest....
A place where nothing ever happens does not exist because exsisting is also happening.
Talking Head's version is the original. Byrne and Harrison the writers.

Many covers it seems, including Simply Red's.

VAC Phi Beta is heirloom quality eye candy. Jolida fx10 if one can't afford the VAC :-).
Hands down any ProAc Tablette mini monitor and I still regret selling mine back in 2005 http://arcamadeus.simplesite.com/305336804
when I got fed up with constntly having to fiddle with the volume on my wayward Velodyne subwoofer and wanted a full range Meadowlark Shearwater transmission line speaker instead.