Audiophile newbie

I'm a mid-twenties yuppie. I love good sound, but I'm also not reckless with money. What are some basics I should know about when in comes to audio set-up (pre-amps, amps, speakers). I actually don't understand what purpose a pre-amp serves.

Here are a couple straight-up questions:
What does a pre-amp do?
What are the concerns to consider when choosing cables?
What are the best "bang-for-your-buck" brands? (ifi, Arcam, Vanatoo?)
"Receiver" is another term you may run across. A "receiver" is an integrated amplifier along with a tuner (which is an AM/FM radio) in one box, i.e., a tuner, preamp, and power amp in one box.

For someone starting out, I wholeheartedly second going "all Nad" for electronics with one possible exception. If you will be buying a CD player and have as much as $500 to spend on that one component, then the player to get is the Oppo 103. For someone starting out, I also wholeheartedly second going "all bluejeans" for ALL cables.

As for speakers, I second two fundamental rules of thumb already mentioned: (1) devote approximately 50% of total budget to speakers, and (2) don't buy any speaker that you cannot hear first.

Over time as someone has more money and decides to get more into this "hobby," one finds that further investment often finds its way into power conditioning, power cords, cabling, room treatments, and various and asundry other tweaks. And no doubt, there may be worthwhile investments to be made in these areas. Just be aware, however, that these are also the areas where the most money is likely to be wasted because of the degree of trial and error and guesswork that's involved.

Last but not least, when researching specific products, never rely purely on a review in any print and/or online publication that relies primarily on advertising dollars for its lifeblood. Most of them rarely say anything negative, and when they do, they sugar coat the negative finding to such a degree that it no longer comes across as the negative that it is. I'm not saying don't read the Absolute Sounds of the world but just make sure to also read forums like this one and several others.
I agree with the NAD suggestion as well. I had a c350 integrated for a few years as my main amp and I often wonder why I ever sold it.
Agree it's hard to go wrong with NAD and Blue Jeans cables. For speakers you should really go to as many dealers as you can and listen to as many speakers as you can so you can start to nail down what aspects of sound reproduction are most important to you. Often there's "The One" that stands out from the crowd for your personal tastes, so it's worth some effort to try and find what that is. And it's fun. You should wait to decide on a specific amp until you know what speakers you're getting as you'll need to know how much power they need and what matches well with them from a sound characteristics perspective. Best of luck.
YEah, gotta know what your source is/will be.

Unless you have an existing library of music in some other format to use, like vinyl or tape for example, then digital is the place to be these days for starters.

You can use an existing computer as your main source for digital either by streaming from the internet (many very good quality music stations/sources there for free) or buying and downloading files, or by ripping CDs.

Then you do a digital connection from computer as a source to play music on the music system to-be. Many ways to do this connection. USB is a popular way to do this. Wireless Wifi network connections another. FOr Wifi, you need Wifi on teh other end as part of the hifi system. SAme for USB.

Then you need an amp and speakers as discussed, just like in the olden days....

Do not think in terms of traditional pre-amp/amp terms. You need a device to do those functions, but these come in many forms these days. At minimum, you need to be able to connect your digital source (via wired USB or wireless Wifi most likely) have a volume control, and an amplifier suited to drive the speakers well. This can all be in one or many boxes. One box keeps things simple for now. One box is essentially a modern integrated amplifier, like those from NAD for example, but geared mainly towards modern digital source gear. AN extra traditional line level input is all that is needed to start to add a phono or other analog source later if needed (or not).

One other important thing to mention with a computer as a source is to make sure all your valuable music files get backed up and can be restored reliably, just like with any important/valuable computer files.