Why Can We plug our AMPS directly into wall w/o Worrying?

hi all.

considering power conditioners for my system, and am stuck on why I can plug my krell amps directly into the wall without worrying about line surges, dirty power, rfi and similar evils... why is it so much more important to get 'clean power' to my other components and to 'protect' them, but so many people advise plugging the most expensive part (of my system) directly into the walls? are power amps somehow impervious to dirty lines and spikes? someone help... with my setup, i could just get a ps audio 300 or mit z center or chang iso 9600 for the components and go the amps directly into the wall, or i could get a more expensive device (ps audio 600, chang ht1000) that includes power conditioning for the amps... thanks again all for your reponses... -
Hello Baz...I had my BAT amplifier plugged directly into the wall for many months. When the "thunderstorm" season came around, I found that my amp was popping several 10 amp fuses each time there was a quick "on and off" 1-2 second power outage. This really became a pain since I was replacing fuses several times a week plus I became quite concerned about the welfare of the amp. A good friend recommended trying a VansEvers Unlimiter with the amp. My BAT has (2) power cords which have been upgraded to BMI Whales. By using an unlimiter, I realized that I would have to use another Whale from the wall to the conditioner requiring 3 power cords to run this amp! I figured that there would be a loss of power also since both amp cords were pulling from 1 conditioner cord. Well...I guess that serves me right for figuring. The amp sounded MUCH better with a substantial increase in power and bass response. As a by-product, only 1 fuse has blown. VansEvers states that the Unlimiter does not limit power. I must agree with that statement given the all around upgrade in my amps performance, not to mention the peace of mind knowing that my amp now at least has a degree of protection. Try one...
thanks for all the responses.. but bottom line is, should i plug into the wall or not? hehe... also, if i have one outlet (w/2 plug), how can i do this? should i change it from 2 to 4 or 6 and then plug everything into that? thanks again all... -baz
Baz, i say plug into wall, always worked best for me. I hate power conditioners except for aftermarket cords. Besides, i know you don't want to go thru the hassle or lose a component but homeowners will cover any mishap. Peace.
Ideally, heavy loads (i.e. amps) should be plugged into separate outlets. If you don't go down the dedicated lines way, try to use different outlets (from different lines) to plug in yr equipment -- rather than plugging everything into the same outlet (if that's what yr intimating). And yes, do plug the amp directly to the wall outlet....

Still beleive dedicated line to be the best option, though.

Good luck!
well i agree i wanted to have a dedicated line installed, but two electricians said they couldnt do it. said my main panel was full and too far from my theater room. bummer... open to suggestions, tho... also, should i change my one outlet from 2 outlet to 4 outlet or 6? thanks again... baz