Help on tube question

Is it possible to replace a bad kt88 tube with a 6550c tube and do no damage? The VAC 160i uses 4 KT88's and with one of the tube bad, I have lost one side of sound. If it were ok to use the 6550c's, I could replace the 4 KT88's or just one. I know Monday I will get help from VAC. But, I just want to hear that sound again if I could and do no damage.
Thanks for any information or Opinions. Tra
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The Classic 60 was designed for four matched pairs of 6550s. It's no surprise that they worked better in the amp than KT88s.
The 6550 and KT-88 are nearly the same tube. They have similar bias points and the like, the big difference being that KT-88s are supposed to be more linear ('KT' refers to 'kinkless tetrode' IOW there is no kink in the linearity curve like a 6550 has).

So you can kinda sorta mix them, but the 6550 should be matched to one of the KT-88s and that seems unlikely. If you have individual bias controls that helps- then the only issue will be that distortion will be higher in the channel with the 6550. You may not hear it though...