Hifi V.s. The music makers

There is another group of "audiophiles" in this world . They are the musicians ,artists , sound engineers, producers , ect ... who do not spend a lifetime agonizing over which kinda of copper to use between amps and speakers .They are also looking for absolute "truth" to what they are hearing . no colorations. I ask why we are so determined to alter their work ?
Because some of us like to hear music our way, with colorations, euphonia etc. It is a personal preference thing that's all. Think of a really dedicated chef turning out what he/she considers the best, correct and purist way to eat something. The diner still retains some discretion in many cases asking for this or that mod.
So I say live and let live, I try very hard not to dictate to others what I perceive as the right way to do something.
If you are convinced with a bunch of evidence that say this is what the "Music Makers" want, and you really enjoy it by all means indulge.
There is no "absolute truth"...there is no spoon. One persons "absolute truth" is another persons coloration. I do know many who are convinced that their way is the only way, sort of like having a God complex I suppose.

I agree with Mechans, live and let live. Why worry about what someone else feels is absolute truth? Enjoy music the way you want to hear it, and relax and enjoy life. No need to label people.
It's a control thing.

If one does make or produce music themselves, but still yearns to control what they hear, I guess its the only thing left to do.

Whereas maybe if one is able to make their own music, there is less urge to control what the work of others sounds like.

Maybe we're all frustrated artistic wannabees to some extent.
They are also looking for absolute "truth" to what they are hearing . no colorations. I ask why we are so determined to alter their work ?

Looking for absolute truth, audiophiles obsessed with toobz and other toyz such as panel speakers, horns that color sound a lot. Audiophile hook-up wires are also deliberately made with excessive reactance parameters so they are able to color the sound and 'make differences' for the arm-leg-worth spent. They don't realize that they're determined to alter musician's and sound engineer work. To keep listening experience same vs. original source, it's sufficient enough using similar class of equipment for the playback including similar studio grade wires.
One who wants to appreciate sound that 'came out' from studio, should probably go into the studio monitors such as KRK or Event and descent pro-grade player.