Not giving up on Computer Audio, I still use it. I don't
get how Computer Audio is supposed to replace all other
Audio Formats, when it is being designed by Anti-Audio
Computer Manufacturer's (Microsoft, Apple, MacIntosh...
etc). It would be like hiring Furniture Manufacturers,
who cant stand one iota of Music, to build the worlds best
sounding Turntable. They don't have to, why would they want to, how can you bet the Farm that they will come through, how can you force the rest of us to bet the same.
You have an Anti-Music radical rogue element in your
formulation of Computer Audio- Microsoft, Apple, Macintosh.
They design Anti-Music, Pro-everything else O.S. and
software. They skimp on the Music end, and shift all of the
design perogative to everything Computer wise that is not
Music. This is Sabotage to Computer Audio, and your plan is
to use the Tools they design to create a Computer Audio to
replace all other Audio Formats? This sounds like a joke to
me, and it sounds alot more than a little mad! The idea
that you could touch up their Frankenstein Monster with a little dab of make-up (Wasapi,ASIO, Kernel Streamimg
Bandaids), what kind of creature are you playing with here?
You think that I am crazy? You actually believe that you have created life. Take another long look at that piecemeal Creature you have created- a crime against nature! You owe all of your results to these Computer Manufacturer's jigsaw puzzle of Abi-normal Software. You
are proud of this Dr. Frankenstein, and upset that more refuse to help. My only suggestion was that you scrap the
Frankenstein Monster and start over again...and BOY-
did I ever end up being chased by villagers with torches
and pitchforks! You have got the wrong target...oh what is the use? Now you want your Creature to toss the little girl
(Other Audio Formats) into the river- nice touch! You and
your Computer Manufacturer feinds are respondsible for that
"THING" running amuck- YOU take full respondsibility for it! I am NOT cleaning up after your mess, you do it!
get how Computer Audio is supposed to replace all other
Audio Formats, when it is being designed by Anti-Audio
Computer Manufacturer's (Microsoft, Apple, MacIntosh...
etc). It would be like hiring Furniture Manufacturers,
who cant stand one iota of Music, to build the worlds best
sounding Turntable. They don't have to, why would they want to, how can you bet the Farm that they will come through, how can you force the rest of us to bet the same.
You have an Anti-Music radical rogue element in your
formulation of Computer Audio- Microsoft, Apple, Macintosh.
They design Anti-Music, Pro-everything else O.S. and
software. They skimp on the Music end, and shift all of the
design perogative to everything Computer wise that is not
Music. This is Sabotage to Computer Audio, and your plan is
to use the Tools they design to create a Computer Audio to
replace all other Audio Formats? This sounds like a joke to
me, and it sounds alot more than a little mad! The idea
that you could touch up their Frankenstein Monster with a little dab of make-up (Wasapi,ASIO, Kernel Streamimg
Bandaids), what kind of creature are you playing with here?
You think that I am crazy? You actually believe that you have created life. Take another long look at that piecemeal Creature you have created- a crime against nature! You owe all of your results to these Computer Manufacturer's jigsaw puzzle of Abi-normal Software. You
are proud of this Dr. Frankenstein, and upset that more refuse to help. My only suggestion was that you scrap the
Frankenstein Monster and start over again...and BOY-
did I ever end up being chased by villagers with torches
and pitchforks! You have got the wrong target...oh what is the use? Now you want your Creature to toss the little girl
(Other Audio Formats) into the river- nice touch! You and
your Computer Manufacturer feinds are respondsible for that
"THING" running amuck- YOU take full respondsibility for it! I am NOT cleaning up after your mess, you do it!