Nothing to design around- so what do you need Wasapi,
ASIO, and Kernel Streaming for? Nothing to design around,
just skip it. Why should you need any of these in the first place? Who would design a System requiring them for
Audio, and why would they design it that way? Why don't
any Computer Manufacturer's include these in their O.S.
Software? How many years have these 3 Audio Software
patchworks been around? Why does it take three hours to
download an hours worth of High Rez. Downloads. Technology moves forward, anything that doesn't keep up falls behind.
Everything Computer wise non-Musical has moved forward by leaps and bounds. Compared to this Computer Audio has not kept up. Anything that doesn't keep up falls behind. If it
is behind the curve, and no-one cares to change this, what
is the point of making it the only Alpha Audio Format?
This is only an extreme exercise in redundancy. There is
only one ultimate conclusion, no sense in even including a
redundant Computer Audio Application in a Computer. It
would just be inconvenient taking away processing power from other more popular, and useful Applications. Now I
am trying to keep Computer Audio relevant, and avoid this.
You can't have Computer Audio relevant by making Audio
irrelevant. This lack of logic can only snake around and
bite know where! Convenience over Sound Quality
makes Audio irrelevant. Well, we used to listen to Music-
a long, long, long ,long, l-o-n-g time ago. Slippery slope
a long way down, and no going back. Hope you know what you are doing, I have my doubts! Don't you "LIKE" Music?
ASIO, and Kernel Streaming for? Nothing to design around,
just skip it. Why should you need any of these in the first place? Who would design a System requiring them for
Audio, and why would they design it that way? Why don't
any Computer Manufacturer's include these in their O.S.
Software? How many years have these 3 Audio Software
patchworks been around? Why does it take three hours to
download an hours worth of High Rez. Downloads. Technology moves forward, anything that doesn't keep up falls behind.
Everything Computer wise non-Musical has moved forward by leaps and bounds. Compared to this Computer Audio has not kept up. Anything that doesn't keep up falls behind. If it
is behind the curve, and no-one cares to change this, what
is the point of making it the only Alpha Audio Format?
This is only an extreme exercise in redundancy. There is
only one ultimate conclusion, no sense in even including a
redundant Computer Audio Application in a Computer. It
would just be inconvenient taking away processing power from other more popular, and useful Applications. Now I
am trying to keep Computer Audio relevant, and avoid this.
You can't have Computer Audio relevant by making Audio
irrelevant. This lack of logic can only snake around and
bite know where! Convenience over Sound Quality
makes Audio irrelevant. Well, we used to listen to Music-
a long, long, long ,long, l-o-n-g time ago. Slippery slope
a long way down, and no going back. Hope you know what you are doing, I have my doubts! Don't you "LIKE" Music?