When someone is aggressive against your Audio Format, and
intends to replace all Audio Formats with Computer Audio,
time to go fishing? You give grief, you get it right back.
You give stress, you get it right back. Call it
Phycological Reciprocity, Karma, or whatever you want to call it. I call it trying to push someone's button, or
pull their string. You are left with no choice; but, to return the favor, unless you look weak. No aggression here
about replacing Computer Audio with another Audio Format.
Why this militant aggression of forcing Computer Audio to
replace all other Audio Formats? I want "Live and Let Live"
with all Audio Formats including Computer Audio. You want
"Live, and Wage War to Eliminate All Other Audio Formats"!
You are turning it into some kind of a Crusade or something. Yes, we all know what happened to all non-
believers during the last Crusade- it was very stressful!
Not alot of time for fishing. So when someone starts
talking about starting another Crusade, that is when
"Fight or Flight Response" kicks in. It is sort of like being the Fish on the recieving end of that hook and rod.
Just because you find it relaxing, doesn't mean the Fish
feel relaxed as well. When you are being hunted your stress
level has a tendency to go up a notch. You want me, the
Consumer, to look weak and helpless having to rely on only
one Audio Format- Computer Audio. This instead of having
purchasing power to select amongst many Audio Formats.
You want all Consumers to become like "Fish out of Water"?
Why, what did we ever do to you? We aren't Fish, so stop
trying to treat us as such!