Acoustic Room Treatment – any simple solutions?

Now that I almost complete building my hi-fi system, I’m looking for some simple setup for acoustic room treatment.

FYI, my system is currently placed on the long wall of living room. In a few months, I’ll have to move it down to the basement where there’re walls with no curtains or much decorations.

Can you suggest some simple and inexpensive setup (i.e. sound absorbing foam, bass traps, movable foam stands, etc) for my situation? Also, where do I place these foams? Behind the speakers, in the corners, and on the side walls?

In addition, I cannot put on anything permanent (such as foams fixed to the wall). I prefer something movable and non-fixture in nature.

Hi guys, thanks so much for your suggestions. I'll look into the GIK and ATS acoustics. My hifi is currently set up in the living room where there're hangings (pictures, mirrors, flowers, curtains) on the walls.

I might just get a few acoustic foam and put them behind the speakers for now. When I'm ready to move down to the basement, I'll get the bass traps and other panels.
Note that the GIK and other effective treatments are not foam-based. In fact, foam is not particularly effective except for HF.
Kr4, thanks for the info. They look like foam to my eyes but I never saw one in person.

Everyone, what would be the basic startup kit for acoustic treatment? I just want to get a few 2x4 ft pieces and place them loosely (no sticky glues) against the wall behind the speakers.
I use GIK. You can start with two 2X4 on the first reflection points (1 on left and one on right) and another two in between the speakers. In my room, the 2X4 made a huge difference for sound staging and focus. The 244 from GIK will work fine for you.
Mcloughlin's links above are very useful. Wish I had found them earlier. I had to spend so many hours to get my speaker placement correct. But they are very well in line with that those models suggest.
Mcloughlin, thanks so much for the many helpful links. I'll read through and see if I can apply it to my listening room.

Everyone - my living room is not a perfect rectangular shape. It's more like a rectangular section (with speakers placed on the long wall) with extended dining area and kitchen on the right-rear side. It's a open floor plan. On the left is the balcony door/window with curtains (one of the first reflection point). On the right is a side table with picture frames hanging on the wall.

There isn't much I can do about placing a 2x4 there. Also, between the speakers I have a 55 inch flat panel TV. I usually use a blanket to cover it when listening. And I pull the speakers away from the back wall so that they're about 1-2 feet to the left and right of the TV and in front of the plain of the TV. Not sure where I can place the 2x4 since the TV is only one foot away from the back wall.

Thanks again.