Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved

Unable to respond to, "Mach2Music and Amarra: Huge Disappointment"- Thread. Other Members take free pop-shots!
Apparently some have more Freedom Of Speech than others! I
don't know how many times I have said it, I want Computer
Audio to succeed! It will only succeed if Computers are designed from the ground up to reproduce Music (Same minimum standard applied for Equipment of ALL Audio Formats)! This is common sense Audio Engineering Design. Bandaid Modifications cannot be substituted for absence in design to produce Music! Design it right to EARN the right to become a New Audio Format- same as all other Audio Formats! No Freebee's, No Cutting Corners! Lack of design is what's causing such varied results in S.Q. between
listeners of Computer Audio. I see about 50% negative
responses here on these Threads. It will continue to happen unless you fix it! Blaming me won't help! I am an
Engineer, and I can read results! 50/50 success/ failure
rate- you have an inherit Engineering Design Flaw for the
reproduction of Music via Computers! Shock! Suprise- since
they were never designed for Music! So when is someone finally going to properly design the Equipment/Computer
(From the ground up) for Computer Audio? Do we continue
to treat any real criticism as "HERESY" in the lack of
design in Computer Audio for Music? You tell me what I am
allowed to talk about, and we will both know!
"Just when I am almost out, they drag me back in"!
I was done with this Thread, now I feel that I am in
an Episode of the "Walking Dead"! Of course the marketing
idea is to put Computer Audio (especially Downloads) in
direct competition with other Audio Formats. The competition is deadly with Computer Audio Proponents going
for the throats of other Formats. How many more "Ultimatums" have to be stated by these Proponents?
If the decision was based on strictly sound quality alone,
that would be one thing. Instead I hear convenience, MP3
lower than CD resolution, and Downloads of equal resolution
as CD- High Resolution being a small minority of these. With Hard Drive Errors, Hard Drive Crash, Back-up Hard Drive Crash, Fragmentation, Viruses, Malware- where is the
quality? You have more software between you, and your Music
than you ever had with a CD. User friendly goes right out the window with the loss of plug-n-play CD. Computer Audio makes as much sense as a nuclear powered Can Opener. There
are easier ways, with alot less tasking, to listen to your
Music. More complicated, more moving parts, less user
friendly, Chaos Theory inviting- and still I use Computer Audio only during those instances when the Sound Quality presents itself! I have done the homework, and there are other Formats that have instances of sounding better. I am greedy! I am a Consumer. I look for many avenues of
quality. A Format has to "E-A-R-N" my business. Pulling
strings, pushing buttons, eliminating alternatives,
issuing Ultimatums- THIS only earns my consternation.
I still hold out hope that someday low Res. MP3, CD Res.
Downloads, will blossom into High Res. of real higher
quality. So long as High Res. remains in a strict minority
Computer Audio hasn't earned the right to replace anything.
Five year olds Downloading Music, isn't going to change that. You can put them in charge of running your Family, if
that is the case. If Computer Audio sounds slightly better
than CD, so did SACD without all of the user unfriendly
software hassle/ tasking- what is the point? Spend time
playing with Software, or spend it playing Music- your
choice. I demand that choice! Of course they call me
"Certifiable" for that! So what- commit me!
"Computer Audio makes as much sense as a nuclear powered Can Opener. "

Great line PO!

Thank God PEtty is back among us. PO, please, save us!!
Petty officer, you actually inferred that computer audio is better than cd, as was sacd... wow, a very big step for you. I have heard that a WHOLE BUNCH OF PEOPLE invested in sacd over that "slightly better" difference...
I'm sure that you feel attacked by this thread... My issue is that it seems that you keep making it personal toward all of us computer audio lovin thugs rather than just the arguments of computer audio alone. I've seen printed YOU THINK more times than worth counting... where does Ulitimatum come from?
What it comes down to is Value for me. I have a computer audio setup that competes if not betters some of the best CD players on the market at pricing that I could afford where the best cd was out of my reach and yes, when you combine this sound quality with convenience it makes this a no brainer for me... I must say though if it didn't have this level of sound quality, I'd throw convenience out the window. Just as you, I am greedy also, I want it all, Computer audio, so far has come the closest in giving me all.
It sounds like you have terrible computer problems with all the issues that you have described, good luck finding a better computer, so far, mine has been flawless and I have been very happy with computer audio. I wish the same audiophile happiness to you and to all, Tim
"I have a computer audio setup that competes if not betters some of the best CD players on the market at pricing that I could afford where the best cd was out of my reach and yes, when you combine this sound quality with convenience it makes this a no brainer for me.."

Me too. Good point!
For me it still remains a mixed bag of sound quality across
all Formats. Anyone says that they have never heard a really lousy Vinyl Record, lousy High Res. Download, lousy
sounding SACD/ DVD Audio/ or CD- I certainly don't believe
them! Way too many broad strokes. I will hop from one Format to the next to get the sound quality I want, and
pick-choose along the way. All of that goes out the window
if "Soon all new Music will only be available as Music Downloads". That is the ultimatum of impending doom. It is
meant as a warning that soon you won't be able to rely on
any other Audio Formats. It is meant to cajoule, herd,
panic, and stampede. It is phsycological extortion- a tool
to pull peoples strings regardless weither it is fact or not. It is not a true measure of the worthiness in quality
of a new Format if the purpose is to panic everyone.
Competition among many Formats is the only way to keep
sound quality standards high. Single Format exclusiveness
only goes the way of irrelevancy like the DO-DO Bird and
eight track. We certainly didn't concider "Soon all new Music will only be available on 8-Track". Sound Quality
in the Market would have been ALOT different if we had.
Thank God we held onto other Formats! This costs Manufacturers Profits to maintain High Sound Quality. Their
goal is to still corral the Audio Market around a single
Format. Eliminate the competing Formats that compels them
to dip into their Profits to maintain high sound quality-
i.e. low res. MP3. No reason to replace all Formats with an
exclusive one, unless it is for Profit. Sound Quality goes
down (MP3) only to boost Profits up. They maintain a
stranglehold on releases available as High Res. Downloads.
It is a trickle, but it is getting better. If you see a
flood, that is the time to concider exclusively switching
Formats. It is a Chicken vs Egg business proposition with
these characters. Don't trust their promises on High Res.
Downloads yet- same promises made with SACD! Make them
show us the product first. Common sense Consumer Protectionism, but what do I know? I am crazy, ask anyone!