Need Advice - new system

I am ready to upgrade my system. I plan on using the system for both home theater (TV/movies) and music - probably a 50/50 mix. My listening room is a standard living room ~ 30'x20' with a tile floor and several Persian rugs, curtains, etc... After considerable research, I had decided on an Anthem MRX510 and a MCA-20 for additional power to the mains. My speaker system choice would be Focal 826W for the mains and Focal cc, surrounds and sub. I then looked further into Emotiva, which is receiving stellar reviews and, like the Anthem, has room correction software. I can get an Emotiva XSP-1 Gen 2 Pre Amp and an XPA-2 Gen 2 300W x2 or an XPA-5 Gen 2 200W x5 for nearly $1500.00 less than the Anthem system! I could then purchase a great separate tuner (FM, AM, HD, XM) and an Oppo BDP-103 with change to spare! I was also considering Paradigm Studio 60 speakers (& related ancillary speakers) or the Bower & Wilkins CM series... I have listened to all the speakers, and frankly I am stumped on which to choose as I love them all... I am also not certain if I should get a 5 channel amp or just a 2 channel amp for the mains. Please help me make sense of all this as I am stumped to how to proceed. My local dealer does not carry Emotiva, so I have not had the chance to audition Emotiva. Any other equipment suggestions would also be appreciated.
Yes I will split them up. the studios also were just redone and aren't broken in yet, lol. They have zero hours on them. Both are in Teak as that was a cool upgrade. I will take pics and get them to you. I haven't posted yet. I have an NAD integrated that sounded great with the Studios as well as two Onyx integrateds that are vintage and very rare and cheap, lol. I have the heavy target stands for the studios, but the spikes were broken. I'd just get a cheap pair of spikes to put into them and fill em with sand like I had them done.
Customer reviews are great, but look to see what they are used to hearing. Again, Krell isn't always a sweet amp, but they all pack power. How much is the Emotiva stuff going to cost you?
I personally like the best two channel I can afford and I dont' do subs. that's just me though. Get what you can afford, but separates are always best no matter what you listen to. That's not going to be affordable for you though, so you have to go another way. Try a good used separate processor for HT and use it with a great integrated. I believe that would work wouldn't it? I have an inexpensive NAD integrated that you could get and that would be a great sounding two channel system. Plenty of power for even a decent sized room.
I even have a Krell Stealth DAC if you will be doing digital audio or for you Bluray and Cable tv. You can email me directly, but I tried to send this to you, but it has you as a private member and won't let me. I think I can leave my email here. If not, I'll just delete it
Emotiva amps: retail price for XPA-5 (200Wx5) is $999.00, XPA-2 (300Wx2) is $899.00 (both gen 2). Used is considerably cheaper. Your idea to use a separate processor and a great integrated is certainly a good thought, but you are correct - too expensive for me. I understand what you mean by having the best 2-channel you can afford, but the reality is that I will be watching TV and movies through the system as well... One day I will get such a 2 channel system for the bedroom. I currently use a vintage Marantz w/ vintage Snell speakers for the bedroom. I have really just started investigating all of this Hi-Fi stuff and I will need time to digest it all and decide what to do, which I am sure will take quite some time - knowing how I tend research everything to death before pulling the trigger on a major purchase. + I want this will be my last Hi-Fi purchase for many, many years. Right now I am leaning towards the Anthem AVR/Emotiva amp setup I described in my previous post, but I'm sure that will change. I will send you an e-mail shortly...
Cool, got the email. I too use my 2 channel for TV etc... I have never felt that I'm missing anything. So easy to set up too.