Thank you for your reply, Dreadhead. You deserve a lot of credit for putting your head down, and trying to put things back on track.
The Quality Assurance background provides you with some great experience. Have you considered Six Sigma or software QA? A person like you could make the transition into one of those hot and well-compensated areas (hopefully) without a lot of drama.
Believe it or not, besides dating a woman in Freehold back aways, our experiences sound more similar than different. I worked as a material scientist / chemist in manufacturing. As you mentioned, it hasn't gone well for our nation in that regard. I'll spare everyone the details, but around Y2K, I saw the handwriting on the wall, and luckily made the jump to something that's held up better than that has. I say luckily because my company went under 1.5 years after I left, whereas I fortunately fell into a program that allowed me to retrain and retool.
Hang in there, keep plugging, and continued best of luck!
The Quality Assurance background provides you with some great experience. Have you considered Six Sigma or software QA? A person like you could make the transition into one of those hot and well-compensated areas (hopefully) without a lot of drama.
Believe it or not, besides dating a woman in Freehold back aways, our experiences sound more similar than different. I worked as a material scientist / chemist in manufacturing. As you mentioned, it hasn't gone well for our nation in that regard. I'll spare everyone the details, but around Y2K, I saw the handwriting on the wall, and luckily made the jump to something that's held up better than that has. I say luckily because my company went under 1.5 years after I left, whereas I fortunately fell into a program that allowed me to retrain and retool.
Hang in there, keep plugging, and continued best of luck!