Absolute Mystery

Leafing through the latest edition of The Absolute Sound tonight, I was surprised to see Robert Harley's half-page plug for Jonathan Valin's old out of print mystery novels, apparently now being revived for sale on Amazon's Kindle website. The plug does not appear to be a paid advertisement for Mr Valin's books. Rather, its just another article for the TAS readership to pore over. This strikes me as inappropriate and frankly unprofessional. Am I wrong?
You could argue that an issue of The Absolute Sound is a mystery novel. Stereophile too.
"Unprofessional"? It appears to me that for advertising/marketing- "professionals", are resorting to "anything" to put a plug for "whatever", "wherever".
Perhaps it's due to the internet's "social forums" such as your tubes (is that your vocal chords?) and the like making the -masses- (Them) feel they're opinion/observation is as 'professional' as any "professionals"? It seems we are being bombarded with "b....t" (is that bullets?)more and more. I think it's a drag/painful(l). (Only my 2 cents 'worth' as a 'somewhat informed-but not totally 'professional or unprofessional' reviewer, er, observer/critic of this 'semi-professional' forum.) Oh dear, that nearly took 1/2 a page..
Once someone had established him/her self it its common to see the occasional divergence. A rapport of sorts is already happening between writer and reader with feedback in print. Is it really too far fetched to see someone share a part of themselves?

In the spirit of Al's recommendation, I'd like to add Algis Burdys' "Who?"
It's been decades since I've read it but I remember it being a good thriller in a sci/fi vein.

All the best,