Crazy Cardas?

There is a web page from Cardas that discusses speaker placement that seems to be a bit different than most. The most shocking is for the placement of speakers from the wall behind them. In my 15 foot wide (rectangular)room, the Cardas formula calls for my speakers to be out about 80 inches!!!! It also calls for an equilateral triangle for the listener and speakers. This puts me 55 inches away. Am willing to try anything for a little while but have never spent any serious time on nearfield listening. Have I made some significant error? Am currently listening on Salk Songtowers(the rule is different for planar speakers). Google Cardas and Golden Ratio to find web page.
This Cardas setup is often discussed and recommended. Didn't work for me either.

Here's another article from Decware with a more realistic approach. I have a near perfect square listening room and the recommended angled set up worked wonders.
I'll be the boring one and say that the Cardas triangle works for me. It does! in most of the rooms I have set up over the years anyway.

all of the math is irrelevant. Ask yourself, 'am I a near-field listener?' - this will give you guidance as you solve the problem (no pun). Keep us posted & happy listening!
Another vote for the Sumiko Master Setup.
Here are some easy to follow instructions (and you really don't need two people).