High End Tube Gear Transition to High End SS

I have some classic and venerable high-end MFA tube electronics, a completely upgraded Luminescence Pre and a level one upgraded pair of M-120 Mono Amps. I have used and loved these electronics for over 20 years -they simply perform wonderfully.

However, (you knew that was coming) I am considering downsizing and simplifying my audio system by possibly going to say a Hegel 200 integrated amp. I know full well how good my MFA gear is. I've read a rave review or two of the Hegel as well as an Audio Research integrated. I would imagine there are other SS integrateds out there which are terrific. I have not kept current for many years (no pun) so I don't really know who makes what.

So: are there any folks in Audiogon land who have switched from great tube gear to great SS? If so, would you be kind enough to share your experiences?
Thanks very much.
I think you need to figure out what speakers you'll be using. Without that, its hard to make recommendations.
Just my opinion but downsizing is a mistake. There I said it. Clean up your set-up, maybe buy a new table or rack but you wont like the results of moving down from the gear you have.
Your wife loves the sound? And you want to mess that up? (takes sip of single malt).
I wouldn't change a thing based on the reasons you provide. Change for change' sake alone is likely to be disappointing.