Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?
By now you already can find that with the cables we only equalizing our systems and nothing more. Therefore there is no any absolute cable and thus no any absolute truth. We can hear differences in the sound and than what? What will happen once you will change any part of system? Yes, new cable will be necessary, and so on and on. I’m right now in mode to sale out my very expensive PCs (5500 USD/pc) which were replaced with bargain ones (200 USD/pc). I did same thing already earlier with ICs. That easy is how you can feel stupid.
"I'm sorry if I intimidated you in eany way sir"

I will assume you are not a native English speaker, and just say this, there is no way, you or any of your sidekicks, will ever INTIMIDATE me. That's down right laughable.

"I feel someone needed to tell you this about the system you are trying to hear cable differences with,you will not!"

Where did you, and several of the other posters get the idea I am 'trying' to hear wire? If I was, don't you thinkI would have wire that cost more than $39? I don't know your education level, and I certainly don't want to offend you sir, But my arguments are not based on the price of stereo equipment, or the rants of your cohorts. or the 'reviews' done by the scammers. If you have problems with my position, take it up with Sir Issac Newton or the guys at places like CalTech and MIT. They will be able to explain it to you better.
WOW! There are no zealots like the recently converted.
In this country you are what we call a Kool-Aid drinker.
Happy listening to you also. SIR!

And btw, if you spent $70,000(US) on mostly cables, you are a very respectful idiot!

It's interesting note that many are more concerned with the defense of their "beliefs" rather than the pieces of metal in question.
@ Rok2id,no my entire system cost $70,000.00 ,not the cables!,thou the cables did cost more than the componets,as time gos,I can move up the componet food chain and not worry about changing cables ever!cheers!