To All Concerned- News Flash! I DO use Computer Audio; because, I don't listen???
Chadeffect: Of course I am confused when I see the entire collection of the Beattles re-issued on 180 gram LP. This, and many other famous Musicians. I don't think that this is being done without support from the Major Record Companies, or the Artists themselves. "You have failed to see the possibility...". A possibility of soon to be AS current Music Selection in CD is evaporating rapidly. Get your head out of the clouds, and put the download Music Selection on the table where I can actually buy it TODAY! Only then will we negotiate the final departure from CD, LP, etc.
Noble 100: You make my entire case by your own words, and standards. Computer Audio is still too immature, or still in its infancy. So what the hell are we doing tasking an infant ( With Limited Music Selection ) to instantly fill the shoes of a rapidly disappearing CD Format? We are already more than half the way of getting rid of CD Music Selection while the infant still cannot step in to fill the void ( And might not be able to do so for quite sometime ). What do we use to listen to in the meantime, HARSH LANGUAGE?
There is no chaos, or confusion. It is clear as a bell.
Ever since the beginning of the demise of CD Format Music Selection has taken a nose dive. Only thing remotely trying to fill this void is MP3 Downloads. The Selection IS NOT THERE! The Music IS NOT THERE in CD, or Music Downloads. I am worried because I don't believe our Music Archive will survive the chaos, and confusion, of this completely mismanaged Format turnover. The chaos, and confusion is in the execution of this turnover. I am just a simple Music Lover who does the math, and comes up short every single time: NO LONGER AVAILABLE AS CD, AND NOT YET AVAILABLE AS MUSIC DOWNLOAD! Do we end up with: NO LONGER AVAILABLE AS CD / LP, AND STILL NOT YET AVAILABLE AS MUSIC DOWNLOAD?
Yes, I am concerned about the road we are taking- and how it will limit what Music I have available TODAY! LP vs. Computer Audio ( LP loses ) what will be left to listen to tomorrow? Infant is going to have to get off his lazy butt
sometime if he ever expects to carry the load.
It is the complete disregard for this issue that is most disconcerning. It is also how your estimates absolutely
do not match reality as it is today. You are way off. It just seems like you all desire an enlarging Void of Music Selection as motivation to force others to switch Formats. The risk is great that by doing so, you make listening to Audio Music completely irrelevant! Why continue if every single one of my favorite Artists is no longer available on a defunct Format, and not ever likely to be available on a New Format? I guess harsh language will be the only thing left to listen to. Don't need to waste money on a New Format for that! This switchover is completely WRONG by every measure of all other Audio Format switchovers. We are supposed to do without Music till the little infant gets its act together ( If Ever )? Where is the accountability, and where is the respondsibility? I want all of my Music available T-O-D-A-Y! Yesterday it was available, today it is not. GIVE IT BACK!!! Only then should anyone even remotely consider "Soon all New Music will only be available as Music Downloads". Hell of a lot easier to say it than it will be to ever make it happen. You have alot of work ahead of you, better get busy. Instead, you are just sitting on your thumbs haggling with me. You expect everything to happen to you in a vacuum. Twenty years from now you will still be hoping that it happens. That is an awful long "Soon...", don't you think? I will believe it when I see it. You just don't have a lot to show for it T-O-D-A-Y, and nothing but hot air to show for it T-O-M-O-R-R-O-W. Sorry if confidence appears a little low today. This is your plan, take some respondsibility for it. I am just stuck trying to deal with it. It is NOT providing me the Music, DEAL with the valid criticism instead of criticizing me ( For once ). You are not fooling anyone with your silly distractions from the serious issues facing this New Format.
Go ahead anyways it is always what you do. Seven pages of nothing, but distractions as a means to avoid dealing with the real issues of lack in MUSIC AVAILABILITY. Yours is to distract, deny, obfuscate...etc. I KNOW what is available to buy, and YOU don't have it to is THAT simple.
Nothing you have said so far has changed that, and your lack of desire to even address/ change this situation is self evident! In twenty years we will still be dealing these same issues, unless Computer Audio will be replaced with something else- and then YOU will be struggling to hold onto your Music Archive. I wish you luck!