Regarding DK Design Vs.1 Reference Mk2 amp ???

Does anybody know the answer to this question ? If the DK Design Vs.1 Reference Mk2 is such a good amp why so many people are selling it ????
Good chance you'll get a lot of less-than-completely-honest answers, though.
marco - that is some funny funny stuff.

I'm also somewhat amused by the DK-ascination here. It's like reading People or better yet, National Enquirer at the checkout line - "Evil snake boy is born to wharewolf-midget couple!" It's just too juicy to pass up. Anyway, I am also sure their amps are lovely sounding, but i will probably never find out for myself.
Howard(Boa2)- timing is everything... sometimes the golf ball is already tee'd up and waiting for launch...

Art - You are so correct... I have heard the DK and thought it was alright, not bad, not impressive for all the commotion. Not interested in the product at all personally, but your analogy to the "tabloid magz" in a grocery store checkout line is exactly whey I read the threads... almost always guaranteed laughs... "chumming the water" in an ocean of sharks.

(Nothing against DK, unfortunately for them they had a few dozen too many new user shill posts every other day for a month or two...)
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